Rural bouquets

Oil painting board, 1956

Technique: Öl-Blumen
Size: 26 x 34.5

CID: 151016
Collection: Langenargen Dr.HW

Frame FP signed dated BP signed dated titled

Expression blazing vitality

Again and again painted Fridel Dethleffs-Edelmann watercolors of the wildflowers of the Allgäu. Her delicate colors fascinated her.

In this oil painting, the subdued green, gold-yellow, and the supporting Red radiate the unadulterated joy of life. Between shine small white flowers from the Alps meadows.

The two bouquets in vases its complement - the one with more dark leafy greens, the other with full blossom. The expressive abundance of colors is captured by fine stems of the flowers and the relief really the glass vases.

Form table and wall with the deep blue of the tranquil backdrop for the magnificent bouquets.

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