(1933 Ottersweier - 1994 Isny)
Besides her own art, the aristic education of her daughter was the most important task for the mother of Ursula. The mother's high demands and the many travels abroad, had the effect that Ursula could attend school only sporadically. Therefore she had a private tutor. She did not finish school with a graduation. Yet this was no problem in younger years, as the young, talented artist had been invited to exhibitions in South Germany already early. At the exhibition openings she surprised with adorable modesty: The fuss that was made about prodigies was far from what she wanted to be.
Her parents took Ursula to art exhibitions in all countries, that could be reached with a caravan. She was introduced into the world of Max Ackermann, otto Dix, HAP Grieshaber, Sepp Mahler, Melchior Setz and many more by the artist friends of her mother. She learned fast and was often invited to the studios of the friends. She soon knew more artistic techniques than her mother and she had the luck to grow up with modern art – in contrast to her mother. Magnificent reverse paintings on glass, drawings, etchings, lithographies, textile works, collages, reliefs on ceramics and much more until the late wooden reliefs of the object art were created.
During her whole life, she has transformed old, used stuff into new art. Ursula could breathe new life into used objects. In young years, this was the self-evident Swabian thriftiness. Only later the protection of nature and recyclable material became part of conscious art. For Ursula this was also the symbolic ressurection of matter – a motive of her religious youth. Her early artworks document this development.
Even friends of the artists of Isny did neither understand the object art nor Ursula herself. They sneered at the "scrap Ursel" ("Schrottursel"). This was a bitter experience for her, as she had established and supported the artist group "Arkade" with a lot of engagement and in every respect. Despite the mockery of some colleagues, she made her own way until the end of her life.
Once her home appeared to her too restriced, she went on study trips to Japan or Chile. Unfortunately without her parents – her mother died and her father went blind.