Riedle advocated the construction. His uncle, Fritz Lämmert in Tübingen, Baumeister governmental Bureau Tübingen had, for many years previously acquired in Isny for the ring road. Riedle's commitment to the project has been in the municipal elections - heavily criticized - 1991st He was elected as the last on the CDU list in the municipal council. Thanks to the support by S.D. Paul Prince of Quadt, numerous conversations with decision-makers in state and federal governments have been led by Riedle personally in the course of many years: as with District Administrator G. Blaser, Secretary of State J. Dreier (MDL), Minister R. Köberle (MDL), Prime Minister L . Späth (MDL), Federal Minister of Transport M. Wissmann (MP) and Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl (MP). Our goal, which Isnyer Altstadt to exonerate the ring road from the traffic was not understood at first. Had not previously enforced vociferously and successfully against the construction of the highway near Isny the party GREEN from Isny. Therefore lacked understanding - first Isny had refused discharge from Isny through the nearby highway, later called on the CDU of Isny's own beltway with expensive tunnel !
On 30 September 1994, the regional plan Upper Swabia was approved with the ring road B 12 Isny. From 2006 to 2008 it was built in Isny for € 32 million. The inauguration in July 2009 was a great success for Isny, for the CDU and for Riedle - even if he was not invited to the inauguration In the council was Riedle financial spokesman.. In order to meet the Un-differences booking systems Doppik and Kameralistik, he compared in his computer the most important figures in both systems. At work, it turned him once the question of whether the business tax had been under-reported by nearly 2 million DM in the budget of the municipality. If the fear was true, then the council would have been misinformed at one of the main figures for Isny by the city council!
As well as its further control calculations confirmed the error, he asked the council for an explanation. Mayor, chamberlain Rist, Group Chairman and much councilors thought it was completely false and rejected the request. Even the district administration - as supervisory authority - declined. To solve the problem, then Riedle commissioned Prof. Dr. Püttner - the authority for the problem in Baden-Württemberg - at his own expense with a legal opinion. Prof. Püttner confirmed the criticism Riedle. Then the district administration could not prevent the community Testing Institute has been turned on. The result, & nbsp; hidden behind many other reports, two years later handed over to the Mayor. It was only on the demand of GM Steiner, SPD,
Riedle confirmed Mayor Behrning that according to community testing institute had been correct criticism of Riedle himself never received the report , His request was rejected by the mayor and district office because he would no longer be a member of the municipal council now. (In this case the report covered the period of his ten-year Municipal Council activity.)
Previously had confirmed his intention to run for a third council period Riedle. When drawing up the list of candidates of the CDU but the chairman S. Mechler declared surprising that he and his 4 colleagues Dr. Sochor, Peter Dorn, Peter Manz and bird-Beuren will not run if Riedle would run again. Of course Riedle could compete despite this intrigue against the CDU. The consequence would have been that the party had been split shortly before the election. That had to damage the CDU. As a member of the CDU - time for 42 years - did not want to be responsible for the Riedle. He renounced the candidacy and moved from Isny to CDU CDU Kreisverband Ravensburg.