Nocturnal flowers

Oil painting board, 1954

Technique: Öl-Blumen
Size: 34 x 48

CID: 151067
Collection: Dresden TO

Frame Passepartout FP signed BP dated

Moonlight Sonata

In velvety blue-violet nocturnal flowers are painted. For the background of the night Fridel Dethleffs-Edelmann worked with almost identical color palette. Only the reflected light of the moon appears - as well as the stamp of flowers in muted white.

In the painting Fridel Dethleffs-Edelmann combines the colors of the flowers with the colors of the night. She manages a masterpiece, reminiscent of the melody of the Moonlight Sonata. It brings the dark colors on the blades, because it represents the living forms of flowers in the context of the geometric layout of the background. This strict structure is the soulful painted blooms on the appropriate setting.

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