Cross-country skiing in the Allgäu near Isny (untitled)

Watercolour Gouache Ink, 1922

Technique: Aquarell
Size: 14.8 x 17.8

CID: 101136
Collection: Dethleffs/Riedle

FP Monogram-dated

1922 resulting watercolor shows two cross-country skiers in front of the hamlet of Ried in Isny:

Fridel Edelmann (until 1931 married to manufacturer's son Dethleffs) on the left, next to her red sweater Emmy Tiebert .

F. Edelmann, the artist Hermann Tiebert and his wife Emmy Tiebert born Däniker had met at art school in Karlsruhe. The first - Tieberts migrated to Ried near Isny in the Allgäu. The couple's friend Fridel repeatedly invited to them. Numerous paintings of Fridel Edelmann arose in these visits.

1933 Hermann Tiebert the inspiration for the only child Ursula from the marriage of Fridel Dethleffs-Edelmann with Arist Dethleffs.

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